Green Mountian & Fog
© 2024 Mynch Uranukul

Green Mountian & Fog

It's the signature weather of the UK again. Dreich weather and rain all day.

Dreich: /driːx/ (Scottish English) ​depressing, miserable or cold.

Although at that point I stayed in the UK for more than a year, I admit it's still hard to fully embrace this kind of weather sometimes as it's very cold and damp. However, when I went through my shots from the trip, surprisingly dreich weather gave me so many beautiful, interesting, mystical feeling shots. It gave that vibe of signature Scottish Highland that I would not ask for anything more and be more than happy to take photos in this kind of cold and damp. It's the magic of the fog of dreich weather. At the end of the trip, instead of looking for sunshine as most people would do, I wish I could experience more dreich weather.

#Scotland #WestHighland

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